This is my first weekly wrap up which is so cool! I found this on Kris’ blog. Check out the guidelines and how to’s of the weekly wrap up HERE.
This week has had a bit of everything going on! A bit of book work, work on behavior, planning for the MidWest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati(WooHoo) and the like! I wont take the space here to explain all of the curricula we use or how we generally “Do” school. I did that all in a post you can read HERE.
We were able to get through all our spelling this week. All review of doubling SS,FF, and LL as well as K and CK at the end of a word.Spelling doesnt come so naturally to me or my son so we tend to do a lesson then practice practice practice! Grammar was a breeze with Isaiah doing his lesson each day on his own.Currently working on finding the subject of the verb in a sentence.
We introduced a new concept in math this week. Subtracting two digit numbers with borrowing. Isaiah is picking that up fairly easily.The interesting thing I have noticed with Isaiah is he does not like to use manipulatives! In the lesson they have you first show the kids with dimes and pennies how to do the subtraction.That just annoyed Isaiah to no end. He told me “Mom just write the problem and tell me what to do!” So thats what I did! Hahaha!
This week we have been working on memorizing Mosiah 4:15. Now if your not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints then you probably wont know this one since it is in the Book of Mormon.Incase your wondering what the Book of Mormon is or a bit about the LDS church feel free to check out the site So I’ll share it with you here: Mosiah 4:15 “But ye will Teach them to walk in the ways of truth and soberness; ye will teach them to love one another, and to serve one another.” This has been a concept we are trying to focus on here at home.Showing love and serving each other. The hymn we are working on learning focus’ on that concept as well. It is called “Love At Home” which you can listen to HERE.
Our unit study this month is about technology. Isaiah is a science buff and loves anything electronic and robotic =0} The highlight of the unit study this week was taking apart and identifying the pieces of a computer that our wonderful grandma and grandpa donated to the HS cause =0} We have learned about motherboards, resistors, PCU’s and lots of other neat stuff.
We had a field trip with our cousins this week. They also homeschool so it makes for lots of fun!My sister and brother in law took my two boys Isaiah(8) and Justin(5) and their three oldest Makayla(8),Joseph(5), and Emma(4)to the police department. I got to stay home and play with my younger two Hannah(2) and Alyssa(3 months) as well as with my two nephews Daniel(2) and Oliver(1)!
Today is Friday and NOTHING has been done!We all have colds and so planned on today just being a laze around the house kinda day! The big excitement was seeing our FedEx man! He delivered a big old box with some educational games and also some puzzles that I had ordered last week.So we’ve had fun with those all afternoon! I hope everyone else had a fun/crazy/educational week too!