Sunday, July 18, 2010

school planning and cookie baking..what could be better?

This really has been a nice week.Lots and lots of packages coming and lots of planning being done. Also lots of shopping and some baking too. Baking and cooking is something I really enjoy doing.Its also something I love to share with my kids. I thought now that I have found my camera I’d share some pictures with you all!


Here are some of our resources for the school year.Saxon K and Saxon 3. All about spelling(which I love) and a new resource First Language lessons.


There we have a picture of our Noeo science curricula.Physics level one came with the parent manual,several experiment kits(not pictured) and all of those wonderful books! :) I love it!


Here we have history.The center is Story of the World volume one and around it are all books I got from our homeschool convention.Books like “You wouldnt want to be a Greek Athlete” and “Eyewitness books Ancient Egypt”


This little book was a true gem I found. I actually found 3 of them. Ancient Egypt,Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome and below is pictures there amazing 12 page time line


awesome right?? Now on to the cookies :)




Hope your all having a great weekend!

1 comment:

Tristan said...

The books look great! I love getting a new stack to go through and use. And the cookies sound yummy other than the eggs in them..LOL.