Friday, August 19, 2011

Schedules,Plans,Expectations and all those Other Things We Don’t Live Up To!

Some very interesting things have been happening in our homeschool the past few weeks.I say “interesting” because it sounds better than disturbing,disruptive or  annoying :0)

It seems in a few places each of my “students” has hit a wall.They have come up against a hurdle that I just didn’t plan for. How utterly unthoughtful of them! Did they not read my schedule?Did they not note the hours spent pouring over the computer.Typing in lessons and plans and DATES to be finished?

Times like these can be frustrating.Troubles like these can make even the most secure homeschool parent doubt there ability to educate there kids.BUT because God is good and loves us, times like these can do so much more.

They can challenge our kids to push past something that seems impossible.They can help us draw closer to and rely more consciously on the Lord.You see I rely on the Lord for each day that I have to teach these kids of mine, but how often do I forget that? Troubles like these can grow love between siblings as they strive to encourage and uplift each other.Situations like these can help us learn to be flexible,to laugh at our schedules and to let go of expectations.

  Yes times like these can be hard but if we let them they can be so much more.

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