Sunday, July 24, 2011

Our week in review

This week has been a good week.The hubs has headed back to work after two weeks vacation and we have picked school back up.We school year round and take breaks when its convenient so got to enjoy dads two weeks off with no lessons to be taught, no words to be spelled and no equations to be figured.

On the school front things went really well this week.We have hit a place with both boys that we need to stop, focus and work toward mastery before moving ahead.In math Isaiah is focusing solely on memorizing math facts right now.He CAN do multiple digit addition and subtraction with borrowing.He can do multiple step word problems.I am finding though that not having the basic facts committed to memory is at best slowing him down and at worst causing him to trip up in some of the multiple step problems. The other area that we are slowing down in is spelling. I think spelling is an area that lots of people struggle with.Isaiah is an avid reader and I assumed that that in and of itself would make him a good speller.Well I was WRONG. Spelling is a real weakness for him.The joy is we can take the time to slow down, work on it and get things right.There is no “you failed” and move on.Just practice and encouragement!

Justin our younger son is moving along well in math and spelling.However reading is still very much a chore for him. It hasn’t “clicked” yet if you know what I mean. So we are taking the time to read and read and read :0) Trying to keep our reading time short in duration but frequent.

On the personal front I would truly appreciate your prayers right now.We are looking at the strong possibility of another deployment.A year long deployment to Afghanistan this winter. There is a small (very small) chance that my husband wont deploy with his current unit.The chance of him deploying I would say is 98% though. I am trying hard not to get my hopes up.I am always proud of what my husband does as a soldier.But I dread the thought of living a year as only half of myself.Thats what it feels like when he is gone. We just keep praying and trusting that God will lead us in all of this.

I hope everyones had a great week this week!

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Ultimate Survivor



We have just made it back to civilization!For the past few days we were camping on the southern coast of WA and loving..well not EVERY minute of it, but almost every minute of it.


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I discovered on this trip that there are several different types of campers.

You have your “survivor man” campers.Give them a tarp,a buck knife and some 550 cord and they are good for days on end.Hunting for there food, purifying river water and the like.







On the other end of the spectrum you have the “Beverly Hills campers”They rumble in with there jumbo 33 foot RV.Two bedrooms, a full bath and satellite dish t’boot!These campers really want to have that “home away from home” experience.



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Most people though are somewhere in between these two extremes. I have discovered that I am what I would like to call a “conditional camper”.  When the conditions are right I can enjoy sleeping in a tent, cooking on an open fire and chasing the bugs away from my food. The conditions being “right” for me are 1.DRY and 2.WARM. When the conditions are “wrong” (i.e. wet and cold) I morph into a dry bed,nice little heater, CABIN kind of camper :0) and that's alright with me!

100_8882 My little guy NOT loving the rain.

100_8939 These views could keep me here forever!

100_8938 North Head lighthouse.

100_8941 Alyssa got to ride during our hikes!

100_8954 All my loves on the beach :0)

100_8887 The cabin that became our “home away from home” after the rain.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


We live in one of the rainiest and cloudiest places in the US. We have months on end of the stuff.So when summer finally hits we are outside all the time! This past few days has been especially fun.Filled with 4th of July fairs,fireworks and beach combing.Here are some picture highlights!


This one is of the kiddos eating an elephant ear.One of our favorite fair foods!


Alyssa enjoying the shade of her stroller


Hannah flying on a ride


That is BOTH my boys on the rock climbing wall :0) They were both super proud they made it too the top!


Me and the sweetie soaking up the rays!


Enjoying a new state park today.



Beautiful scenery.


This ones my favorite from the past few days.All of us together.Just the way it should be :0)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Its Great to be a homeschooler


I love homeschooling and cant honestly see doing anything else. I came across this cartoon and had to share.These are just a few of the reasons why its GREAT to be a homeschooler!

Zoo Day!

We had our first trip of the season to the zoo this weekend.We tend to go a few times each summer and everyone enjoys it!We have gone to the aquarium already a few times but we were itchin’ to get out in this beautiful weather and see some animals!

100_8614 The main excuse reason for the trip was to see the Komodo Dragons.We have been studying reptiles as of late and everyone was excited to see these  bad boys up close!


All four kids on the Komodo statue.I love getting pictures like this because I can look back and see the pictures when there was only 1 or 2 and watch how our family has grown :0)


Justin and I enjoying the day.I love his sense of humor!


The kids all got to pick a treat.Hannah decided the giant lollipop was for her :0)


Isaiah,Justin and Hannah waiting for the bird show to start.